
So what is this site all about? It was originally created as a blog in February 2012 to report my day to day activities and discoveries during my trip to the southern states of the US. The goal was to visit Louisiana and Texas, along the Gulf of Mexico, then continue to New Mexico and Arizona, to follow and photograph, among others, the spring migration of birds. It would be a solo journey in my small trailer 17 ‘(~ 5.5 m). I started in Montreal on March 19 through the state of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, two Virginias, Tennessee and Arkansas. 60 posts are listed under the category Travel Southwest-USA. Since that time, I decided to expand this blog to some of past trips and all future trips and to transform the blog into a full-fledged site reflecting both my photographer activities and my curiosity for all subjects of interest to me . You can follow me in the past on my first big trip filed under Europe-Maghreb-1973-74.

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